Chronic Pain Clinic
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music for pain

Music for Pain

The effects of music on chronic pain have been a subject of interest for researchers and healthcare professionals for many years. While music may not directly cure chronic pain conditions, it has shown potential in helping individuals manage and cope with their pain. Here are some ways in which music can impact chronic pain:

  1. Distraction and Pain Reduction: Music can serve as a distraction from pain, shifting the focus of the individual away from their discomfort. When people engage with music, especially if they enjoy it, their brains may be less attuned to pain signals. This can lead to a reduction in perceived pain levels, providing temporary relief.
  2. Emotional Regulation: Music has the power to evoke strong emotions, and listening to certain types of music can positively influence mood and emotional state. For some individuals with chronic pain, music may help in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, which are often associated with chronic pain conditions.
  3. Endorphin Release: Music has been shown to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals produced by the brain. These endorphins can create feelings of pleasure and well-being, helping to alleviate pain to some extent.
  4. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Slow, calming music can induce relaxation responses in the body, leading to a reduction in muscle tension and stress levels. This relaxation response can be beneficial for individuals with chronic pain, as stress and tension can exacerbate pain.
  5. Neurological Effects: Listening to music can activate various brain regions involved in processing emotions and pain perception. Functional MRI studies have shown that music can modulate activity in these areas, potentially altering the perception of pain.
  6. Enhanced Rehabilitation: Music therapy, when combined with conventional pain management techniques and rehabilitation, can enhance the overall therapeutic effect. It may encourage patients to participate more actively in their recovery process.
  7. Improved Quality of Life: Chronic pain can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Engaging with music, whether through active participation or passive listening, can offer moments of enjoyment and social connection, contributing to an improved sense of well-being.
music for pain

It’s essential to note that the effectiveness of music in managing chronic pain can vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience significant benefits, others may find music less helpful or even find that certain types of music worsen their pain. The type of music, personal preferences, and the individual’s specific chronic pain condition all play a role in determining the impact of music on pain management.

Overall, music can be a valuable complementary tool in the multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain management, but it should not replace professional medical advice or treatments. If you or someone you know is experiencing chronic pain, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to develop a comprehensive pain management plan tailored to the individual’s needs.

Health literacy

Health literacy matters for managing chronic pain

Health literacy plays a crucial role in effectively managing chronic pain. Here are some reasons why health literacy is important in the context of chronic pain management:

  1. Understanding Pain Management Options: Individuals with chronic pain need to be knowledgeable about the various treatment options available to them. This includes understanding the benefits, risks, and potential side effects of medications, therapies, and interventions. Health literacy enables individuals to access and comprehend information about pain management, empowering them to make informed decisions about their treatment plans.
  2. Medication Safety and Adherence: Chronic pain management often involves the use of medications. Health literacy helps individuals understand medication labels, dosage instructions, and potential interactions. It allows them to accurately follow prescribed medication regimens, reducing the risk of medication errors and improving adherence to treatment plans.
  3. Effective Communication with Healthcare Providers: Health literacy enables individuals to communicate effectively with their healthcare providers. They can accurately describe their pain symptoms, provide a comprehensive medical history, and express concerns or questions about their treatment. This open and effective communication fosters a collaborative relationship between the patient and healthcare provider, leading to more personalized and effective pain management.
  4. Navigating Healthcare Systems: Chronic pain management may require navigating complex healthcare systems, such as finding appropriate specialists, scheduling appointments, and understanding insurance coverage. Health literacy equips individuals with the skills to navigate these systems, access necessary resources, and advocate for their pain management needs.
  5. Self-Management and Lifestyle Choices: Health education and awareness empowers individuals to engage in self-management strategies for chronic pain. This includes understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, engaging in appropriate physical activity, managing stress, and utilizing complementary therapies. With health literacy, individuals can access reliable information and make choices that support their pain management goals.
  6. Shared Decision-Making: Understanding promotes shared decision-making between individuals and healthcare providers. It allows individuals to actively participate in discussions about treatment options, weighing the benefits and risks, and aligning their preferences and values with their pain management plan. Shared decision-making enhances patient satisfaction and can lead to better treatment outcomes.
Health literacy

By improving health literacy in chronic pain management, individuals can better understand their condition, actively participate in their care, and make informed decisions about pain management options. It contributes to improved self-management, better treatment outcomes, and an overall enhanced quality of life for individuals living with chronic pain.

emotional eating

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Life is filled with challenges, stressors, and unexpected events that can sometimes overwhelm us. In order to navigate these difficulties, individuals often develop coping mechanisms to help manage their emotions and maintain a sense of control. However, not all coping mechanisms are healthy or beneficial in the long run. In this article, we will explore some common unhealthy coping mechanisms, understand their potential consequences, and discuss the importance of seeking healthier alternatives.

Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms and Their Consequences

  1. Substance Abuse: One of the most detrimental coping mechanisms is turning to drugs or alcohol as an escape from reality. While substances may provide temporary relief, they can quickly spiral into addiction, leading to severe health issues, strained relationships, and financial problems.
  2. Emotional Eating: When faced with emotional distress, some individuals turn to food for comfort. Emotional eating can lead to weight gain, poor nutrition, and an unhealthy relationship with food. This coping mechanism often results in feelings of guilt, shame, and lowered self-esteem.
  3. Self-Isolation: In times of stress or emotional pain, withdrawing from social interactions may seem like a protective measure. However, prolonged isolation can exacerbate feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Lack of social support can hinder personal growth, limit opportunities for personal connections, and negatively impact mental well-being.
  4. Excessive Screen Time: Spending excessive hours glued to screens, whether it’s smartphones, computers, or televisions, can be an unhealthy escape from reality. This coping mechanism can lead to physical health problems such as eye strain, sedentary lifestyles, and disrupted sleep patterns. It may also hinder the development of interpersonal skills and face-to-face communication abilities.
  5. Aggression and Violence: Some individuals cope with their emotions by lashing out physically or verbally, causing harm to themselves or others. Engaging in aggressive behavior often results in strained relationships, legal issues, and a cycle of escalating violence. It fails to address the root causes of the emotions, perpetuating a harmful cycle.
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Seeking Healthier Alternatives

  1. Self-Reflection and Emotional Awareness: Developing emotional intelligence and understanding one’s emotions can lead to healthier coping strategies. Engaging in self-reflection through practices like journaling, meditation, or therapy can help individuals identify triggers and respond to them in a constructive manner.
  2. Seeking Support: Instead of isolating oneself, reaching out to friends, family, or professionals can provide valuable support. Building a strong support network fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of loneliness. Supportive relationships can provide guidance, empathy, and practical assistance during difficult times.
  3. Engaging in Physical Activity: Exercise is a natural stress reliever that promotes physical and mental well-being. Engaging in regular physical activity, whether it’s walking, yoga, or team sports, helps release endorphins and reduces anxiety. It also provides an opportunity to socialize and form connections with others.
  4. Creative Outlets: Expressing emotions through creative activities such as art, music, or writing can be cathartic and therapeutic. Engaging in creative outlets provides a healthy means of self-expression, allowing individuals to process emotions and find solace in their passions.
  5. Professional Help: In some cases, seeking professional help from therapists, counselors, or support groups can be immensely beneficial. These trained professionals can guide individuals in developing effective coping strategies, providing tools to navigate life’s challenges in a healthier manner.

Unhealthy coping mechanisms may provide temporary relief, but they often lead to long-term negative consequences. By understanding the potential harms of such coping mechanisms, individuals can make a conscious effort to seek healthier alternatives. Building emotional awareness, seeking support, engaging in physical activity, embracing creative


Understanding Pain

Understanding pain is a crucial step in effectively managing this complex sensation. Pain is not just a physical sensation, but also an emotional experience that is influenced by a variety of factors, including past experiences, emotions, and cultural beliefs. By understanding the different types of pain and the factors that can influence pain perception, individuals can develop effective strategies for managing their pain. This may involve working with a healthcare provider to identify the underlying cause of the pain, exploring non-pharmacological interventions such as physical therapy or mindfulness-based interventions, and developing coping strategies to help manage pain when it does occur. By taking a proactive approach to understanding pain, individuals can improve their quality of life and reduce the impact of pain on their daily activities.

Pain is an experience that is all too familiar for most people. Whether it’s the headache you get after a long day at work or the chronic pain that accompanies a medical condition, pain is a sensation that can be difficult to ignore. But did you know that there are many different types of pain, and that pain is not always an accurate indicator of tissue damage?

One of the most common types of pain is acute pain, which is typically caused by injury or tissue damage. This type of pain is often sharp and sudden, and it usually resolves once the underlying cause has been treated. Chronic pain, on the other hand, is pain that persists for weeks, months, or even years. This type of pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, illness, or nerve damage. Chronic pain can be more difficult to manage than acute pain, and it can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.


Other types of pain include neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage to the nerves themselves, and referred pain, which is pain that is felt in a different part of the body than the source of the pain. For example, someone experiencing a heart attack may feel pain in their arm or jaw rather than their chest.

Despite the many different types of pain, there are still many misconceptions about this complex sensation. For example, many people believe that pain is always an accurate indicator of tissue damage. While this is often the case, it is possible for someone to experience pain even when there is no tissue damage present. This can occur due to factors such as past experiences, emotional state, and cultural beliefs.

Another common misconception is that pain is always treatable with medication. While pain medications can be effective for many people, they are not always the best option for managing pain. Other approaches, such as physical therapy, acupuncture, and mindfulness-based interventions, can also be effective for managing pain.

In conclusion, pain is a complex sensation that can take many different forms. While it can be difficult to manage, understanding the different types of pain and the factors that influence pain perception can help people find effective ways to manage their pain and improve their quality of life.

non-cancer chronic pain

7 Most Common Non-Cancer Chronic Pain Conditions

As we all know, pain is one of the most common reasons for all the visits to physicians in different settings all around the world. Acute pain is a sign of injury and insult to the body and pain is one of the defending mechanisms to protect us against harmful stimuli. Like any other system in our body we have a control system to stop nerve stimulation when the insult is over, but this can fail in many ways like many other systems in our body. This is the etymology of non-cancer chronic pain.

non-cancer chronic pain

1- Headache

Chronic headache is one of the most debilitating conditions which affect millions of people all over the world. Many people lose their jobs and are not able to do their activities of daily life due this medical issue. About 4% of the adults are suffering from this condition and women are affected 2-3 times more than men. Definition of chronic headache is 15 days or more of headache per month for over 3 months. There are many conditions that can cause this problem like migraine, tension headache, hemicranias continua, rebound headache and many more.

2- Back Pain

This is one of the most common reasons of regular visits to primary care, emergency rooms and many other disciplines. More than 84% of adult have experience back pain. Many people lose their job and quality of life due to back pain. When pain is present for 12 or more weeks, we call it chronic back pain.

3- Neck Pain

Neck pain is another very common reason for so many visits per year. Prevalence of neck pain is pretty close to back pain. Many people just have axial pain and some have extremities and neurologic symptoms while many patients have both.

4- Fibromyalgia

This is a very common condition and very hard to treat. These patients usually have chronic pain, fatigue and insomnia. Many people are affected by Fibromyalgia and often remained undiagnosed for a long period of time.

5- Knee Pain

About 25% of adults are affected by chronic knees pain. This condition can be very debilitating and affect activities of daily life, work productivity, quality of life and life satisfaction as a whole.

6- Shoulder Pain

Sport, Motor Vehicle Accident and work related injuries are very common and many patients are suffering from chronic shoulders pain.

7- Hip Pain

Chronic hip pain affects mobility and productivity of millions of people and has a huge impact on many people’s lives.

Read the full article by Dr. Ashtarani here.

Turmeric for pain relief

Turmeric for Pain Relief

Turmeric with powerful anti-inflammatory effects is one of the best natural remedies for pain relief that can be found in almost every home. A relative of ginger, this vivid yellow-orange spice is common in Indian, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern cooking.

Curcumin – the main active ingredient in Turmeric – has received worldwide attention for its multiple health benefits, which appear to act primarily through its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

If you have a headache, backache, knee pain or any other type of pain, your first impulse may be to reach for a pain medication.

While certain circumstances may require a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication, it may also be possible to find some of the relief you need from a variety of natural pain relievers. Many herbs and spices have a long history of being used to relieve inflammation and pain.

These natural pain relievers fall under a category of treatment known as alternative medicine.

Relieving pain and inflammation with natural remedies has a lot of benefits, but keep in mind that these natural remedies can sometimes interfere with other medications you are taking.

And also not all natural pain relievers have been well studied in humans, especially when it comes to dosage.

If you’re dealing with pain or chronic issues, it’s best to talk with a doctor before taking any natural remedies. Holistic or whole health professionals, which are physicians who base their treatments on holistic(whole health) principles.

Turmeric for pain relief

Turmeric as a natural pain reliever

Turmeric — and especially its most active compound, curcumin — have many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health and prevent against Alzheimer’s and cancer.

Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.

These benefits are best achieved when curcumin is combined with agents such as piperine, which increase its bioavailability significantly.

Did you know?

Ingesting curcumin by itself does not lead to the associated health benefits due to its poor bioavailability, which appears to be primarily due to poor absorption, rapid metabolism, and rapid elimination.

top pain clinics in Toronto

Top pain management clinics in Toronto

An estimated 7.6 million, or one in five people in Canada (across the lifespan), live with chronic pain. If you’re suffering from chronic pain, you should consider visiting a pain management clinic. In this article we introduce some of the top pain clinics in Toronto.

Pain Clinics with integrative approach

Chronic pain, like other chronic diseases, is best understood within a bio-psychosocial framework, and its treatment should integrate pharmacological, physical, psychological, spiritual, self-management, and other approaches, as appropriate. So it’s important to choose a clinic with a multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain treatment.

top pain clinics in Toronto

Here is a list of pain managements clinics in the greater Toronto area (GTA):

Upper Room Clinic

The Upper Room Clinic has ultimately become Dr. Kostovis’s life path. Originally an emergency physician, her path to treating chronic pain grew into a mission. She believes in providing peace and fulfillment in the healing experience.

Dr. Kostovis’s practice uses PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) injections to treat chronic pain. PRP advocates the healing process by helping the body create blood clots.

Mount Sinai Hospital pain management center

The centre offers a range of pain management services including management of the following pain conditions:

  • Neuropathic pain
  • Widespread body pain
  • Pre- and post-surgical pain management (Transitional Pain Service)
  • Pre- and post-pregnancy pain management (Pain in Pregnancy Program)
  • Complex opioid management and tapering
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Craniofacial and headache pain
  • Dental and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain
  • Cancer pain
  • Breast pain program

Other services include:

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic nerve blocks
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Psychiatry consultation
  • Consultative support with an occupational therapist (OT) and social work
  • Pain education sessions

The Neurological Institute of Brain, Body, and Being

The Neurological Institute of Brain, Body, and Being (NIb3) is a Toronto based rehabilitation institute that specializes in non-invasive, drug-free therapies. Our goal is to address the origin and cause of your complaints as opposed to simply treating symptoms. Every brain is unique and we conduct thorough neurological assessments that involve Quantitative EEG (qEEG) brain mapping, VNG (eye movement quantifications), psychophysiological profiling, a full neurological examination, and an extensive intake to build individualized treatment plans. We specialize in neurofeedback therapy, biofeedback therapy, diet recommendations to support an optimized neurological health, chiropractic treatment, and vestibular rehabilitation techniques. The neurofeedback therapy we offer at NIb3 in Toronto is very specific and focuses on 1, 2, 4, and 19 channels EEG with the goal of normalizing your brain’s activity. Our biofeedback therapy in Toronto involves EMG (muscle relaxation) exercises, heart rate variability (HRV) training, and stabilization of your body’s biophysiology. We take a wholistic approach to neurological rehabilitation and helping optimize your brain, body, and being.

Toronto Poly Clinic

Toronto Poly Clinic is a pain clinic with responsibility in mind. We believe in a Multidisciplinary philosophy of pain management. We specialize in Chronic Pain and its effects on the human body. Our goal is to formulate a treatment plan to bring lasting relief to our patients. The purpose of this multidisciplinary program is to improve both the physical and psychological effects of pain.

Toronto Poly Clinic offers a range of pain management services including:

  • Interventional Pain Management
  • Prolotherapy
  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy
  • Platelet Rich Plasma – PRP
  • Comprehensive Pain Management
  • Integrative Chronic Pain Management
  • Joint Pain Program
  • Medical Cannabis Program
  • Mindfulness Teaching

Untreated pain results in poor outcomes for individuals, families, and communities

Chronic pain is largely invisible, and those affected often feel disbelieved and stigmatized. Talk to your family physician if you suffer from a pain that has been with you for more than 3 months and ask for a referral to a pain management clinic.

mind body temple

Mind-Body Temple: A Self-Directed Approach to Managing Chronic Pain and Elevating your life

This book is designed to take you through a journey of healing for managing your chronic pain and elevating your life. 

It starts with some information about chronic pain and an overview of different conditions that cause chronic pain. This is followed by describing the impact of chronic pain on life, and how to manage it through elevating your life force with healthy living skills and mental wellbeing practices.

Buy Mind-Body Temple: A Self-Directed Approach to Managing Chronic Pain and Elevating your life by Dr. Kevin Rod on Amazon

Developing your Mind-Body Temple through elevating your health and life will pave your way to your goals. Organizing your mind is organizing your life. Working on your physical state will change your state in life. Identifying obstacles between you and your goals, and learning ways to negotiate them, brings you closer to reaching your goals.

There are many Mind-Body skills and disciplines that can help you on this journey. Multiple factors can play significant role in leading you closer to (or farther from) your goals, everything from what you eat, to how active you are, to your perspective in life, to how you prioritize your time on short-term goals, to the quality of your sleep, to your relationships and your social network.

Your Mind-Body Temple can safely take you to the goals of your life. Your purpose in life can be fulfilled through this path. The results are satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment in life – the mother of all success and happiness.

Mind-Body Temple

My goal is to assist you on this journey. My hope is that this information will help you to reach your goal in life and fulfil your purpose. I hope you will never feel alone and join many others on this journey of healing to support and empower each other.

The information on this book is based on scientific evidence, my 32 years’ experience in medical practice, materials gathered by my team for patient education at our clinic, as well as lessons I have learned from my own journey of healing. I have tried to provide reliable references that are accessible by patients at each section.

I trust the skills you will learn on this journey will not only help you with your current medical condition, but these will also stay with you for the rest of your life as you face other life challenges. I hope you find this journey helpful. If only one life is saved or one suffering is ended, all our collective efforts are warranted.

What I loved most about Mind-Body Temple was the author’s caring approach which shone through in his writing. There is so much misinformation regarding chronic pain that it is often dismissed as a mental condition. The sufferer then feels the damaging effects of this mindset when they are either ignored or gaslighted by their health care provider. Dr. Kevin Rod used his experience with chronic pain to develop a holistic, gentle, and compassionate plan.

Stephanie Elizabeth has written a full review of this book here.